What to Do If You Have a Short Temper

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Anger is a feeling that most people experience at the time of their lives. It is a fundamental emotion to experience since it serves as a defense against a potential threat. However, if you see yourself displaying the symptoms of anger frequently, it could be that you have a short temper.

Perhaps you’re angry with an employee who made your order wrong, at the car ahead of you that isn’t moving swiftly enough, or you’re angry with your favorite team’s sports team for blowing an advantage–this could be pointing to something slightly different, and perhaps more serious.

Do you need help determining whether your moods are a sign of being short-tempered? This article reviews the most common characteristics of people with short tempers. It also offers an effective way to deal with their emotions.

Signs of a Short Temper

There are a variety of methods to vent your frustration. For instance, shouting, hitting objects around you, or crying could effectively express your anger. However, when a short temper is in the air, anger is typically perceived as a primitive state. If this happens, it could be that the person:

  • Be prone to irritation
  • Feel breathless when they’re angered
  • See their vision blur when they are upset
  • Feel a rise in blood pressure following an accident
  • You will feel your heartbeat racing when confronted with the cause of your anger.

A short-lived temper is typically observed with little or no warning. It’s an outburst of emotion. Sometimes, this anger can result in embarrassment for the angry individual.

How a Short Temper Affects Well-Being


If you’re susceptible to sudden and uncontrollable bouts of anger, these behaviors can expose you to physical, social, and psychological issues. The signs of trouble can be seen as follows.

1. Social and Relationship Issues

If you’re someone with the temperament of a tyrant, anything from someone who cuts across the street at the cafe you frequent to an employee who is late to work can trigger panic. While these are all valid reasons to be upset but it’s also normal that some people might make you feel like a target and advise others not to interact in a way that is too open to be sure that they don’t end up in the middle of a rage.

If you express your anger in public spaces, it could result in you being banned from coming back.

Another indicator that your anger has turned into an issue is when you notice that others appear to be on eggshells when they are around you. If you have violent outbursts, you observe that your peers, friends, or colleagues pick their words with care and seem nervous in their interactions with you; it could be due to their fear of sparking your anger.

Since people are so cautious of your personality, you may be denied the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones completely and completely.

2. Physical Health Issues

Excessive breathing, flushed skin, and pulsing veins are just a few obvious ways that anger manifests. While all of that happens on the outside, your anger expression could also trigger various physical health problems.

3. Psychological Issues

The most popular image of depression is usually fatigue, sadness, and an absence of enthusiasm for things that you previously loved. However, depression could result in anger-filled outbursts and persistent anger. Anger-related traits are common among those suffering from major depression.

How to Cope With Anger


It may seem unpleasant when considering the risks it could pose to your social, physical, and mental health, but it is an essential component of your health.

In the same way as sadness and joy and anger, venting out over an unfulfilled promise, a lost opportunity, or issues is perfectly normal and should be encouraged.

But, if anger is expressed frequently, this can cause harm to others for many reasons. Being able to handle this type of emotion becomes crucial. Let’s look at ways to manage your anger.

1. Try Positive Exercises

If you notice the distinct evidence of your anger building up, you should concentrate on positive things, such as deep breathing, to ease yourself into the moment. In addition, calming words may also help in repressing your anger.

Repeating this practice until you can control your anger will prevent the possibility of rage and the negative consequences that can accompany it.

2. Reach Out to Loved Ones

Like you’d be open with your loved ones about heartbreak, pain, or the excitement of a new job, calling loved ones when you’re beginning to get out of control is a good way to deal with your emotions.

Family and friends can support you and help you relax until you are at peace.

3. Keep a Mood Journal

One way to cope with anger and be aware of how often you are prone to anger is by keeping an account to keep track of your emotions.

Take note of the triggers that trigger you to rage and the thoughts that flow through your head when you experience this. This will help you comprehend your emotions better.

4. See a Therapist

If you think the emotions you experience are just too intense and volatile to control with self-help methods, seeking professional assistance is always a good option to control your emotions.

A licensed professional in mental health can assist you in recognizing and managing negative thoughts that could trigger a person’s anger. Therapy can help you could be taught different strategies to deal with triggers more healthily.

A Word From Mind Mentor

In most situations, an anger-related incident is a normal emotion. But, if emotion is a major part of your daily life, it causes people to be cautious around you to avoid the possibility of an eruption, and it may be a problem.

Although anger can be an intense emotion, it can be managed. Utilizing breathing techniques, seeking help from your loved ones, and attending therapy sessions can help you keep your anger in check.

Remember that the goal isn’t to eradicate the anger in your life but to keep this from being the primary quality of your life. Being attentive to the management techniques will help you bring this anger under control.

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