Marriage life gets harder, but giving up is not an option. The Mind Mentor values your bonds; hence, our expert man counsellor will help you resolve all your problems in the best possible way!
Marriage is a very important relationship between two individuals. The couple tries to fill each other’s gap and tries to work the marriage. In the relationship, both try their best for a smooth and happy marriage.
Marriage is a way to celebrate our love for each other. But sometimes it can become bitter. Hence. marriage counselling will help you to find the solutions.
So we, Mind Mentors are here to assist you with that tough times in the marriage when you can not talk to anyone. We know it can be awkward talking to a third person about relationship issues, but trust us, our marriage counsellor, Dhwanii Shah will assist you in passing through all obstacles.

Significance Of Marriage Counselling
Well, in a marriage, we put our emotions, time, mental health, comfort, and almost everything. And even after constant efforts, some issues are not resolved. In situations like these, you need to contact us. We will listen to all your problems and insecurities. After that will provide you with possible solutions.
Gone are the days when the word counselling was taboo. Now people are accepting and open to such relationship therapies. Therefore marriage counselling is nothing to be hidden or ashamed of. Each relationship goes through ups and downs, but if you think that you need expert guidance, feel free to contact us.
Why ???

Words OF Our Counsellor
I, Dhwanii Shah will be your marriage and relationship counsellor at Mind Mentor. I founded this agency to aid people in need. After years of extensive practice, I know what you are going through. With my successful experience, I will provide you with ways to unfold all your doubts.
A relationship is multifaceted, starting right from the beginning when the couple tries to understand each other to the phase where the couple ends up arguing. A little misunderstanding or arguing is part and parcel of all relationships, but sometimes marriage can turn into a nightmare. There can be various causes such as misunderstandings, no communication, loss of a child, commitment issues, and the list goes on. But do not worry I am all ears for you. I will never judge you, rather will

Why You Need?
- Negative communication
- Having an affair
- Constant fights & conflicts
- Unable to give time
- Lack of interest
- Physical and emotional abuse